Relationships are a partnership between two or more individuals for the purpose of fostering a healthy and purposeful life. At the core of our personal wellness and happiness, typically lies our ability to establish and have healthy bonds.
We all want healthy connections with family and friends because that is what gives life meaning. But, to have and maintain healthy relationships takes work! That is where our Counseling Partners therapists can assist you.
Remember, we all stumble, every one of us. That’s why it’s a comfort to go hand in hand – Emily Kimbrough
We are trained to help you in growing and improving your relationship by improving communication, re-establishing intimacy, increasing your ability to share personal thoughts, and strengthening overall wellness within your relationships.
Relationship counseling is best when there is a “neutral person in the room” who can assist you in figuring out what are your individual issues which are stressing the relationship and aid you in processing those issues in a fair and productive way. The objective is to share your personal “truth in the room” while preserving the overall connection and growing it stronger.
Relationships are complicated. Whether you’re in a marriage, a parent/child, group leader/team member, or friendship, each of you brings to your relation ship issues which impact the ability to communicate and relate to one another. Issues such as depression, low self-esteem, and increased anxiety by one can impact the other. Struggles with addiction to substances, pornography, or alcohol can weaken the ability to be open and sharing so the relationship struggles.
What if I am willing to go to therapy but my partner is not?
Go. If you are aware there is a problem in your relationship and your partner/spouse/friend will not go with you, studies indicate that the benefits of working individually are significant and often time foster improved communication and understanding which can benefit the relationship. It is true that progress is made much faster by the equal participation of both individuals, but improvement can be achieved even if only one person attends therapy.
Does Relationship Therapy work?
Relationship counseling has been proven to be very effective when techniques and skills learned in therapy are consistently applied. Relationships require investment by both parties, and therapy can aid in setting investment goals and learning to put them into practice.