Who here is raising an adolescent? If so, it is likely you have found yourself confused about how best to aid your young adult in maneuvering through the challenges they face today which are very different that what you faced when you were their age.
It is often said of today’s youth that “they are street smart but emotionally immature” which may be true. Today’s adolescents face a higher volume of serious issues, coming at them more rapidly, and with less foundational support than ever before.
Counseling Partner’s goal when working with adolescents is to aid them in “finding themselves and doing it on purpose” – Dolly Parton.
Counseling Partner’s goal when working with adolescents is to aid them in “finding themselves and doing it on purpose” – Dolly Parton. When young people are able to dig deep and figure out who they are, they are able to accomplish great things. When they are not, then their lives can be dramatically impacted by the influence of bad around them. Our goal is to help build their core both emotionally and socially so they are able to know who they are, what are their goals, and how to achieve them.
We work closely with our adolescent clients and their families regardless of their makeup because we believe that it is in that family partnership where adolescents are best able to find resilience and resolve to be strong and make good choices.
It is common when counseling adolescents to include individual, group, family, and even friendship counseling if that is most therapeutic to the wellness of the adolescent. Sometimes, in therapy, we realize there is a behavorial or mental illness which needs specialized treatment with more in depth therapy and at times, medication or specialized treatment. If that should occur, our therapists will work together in partnership to facilitate getting the therapy your child needs.
We frequently work with the following adolescent issues as well as others not listed.
- School stress
- Bullying
- Self-harm behaviors
- Thoughts of suicide
- Disconnect from their peers
- Family issues
- Divorce
- Trauma
- Neglect
- Drug abuse
- Insomnia
- Teen pregnancy
- Relationship issues
- Self-image issues